Walworth Fire Department, Inc.

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Congratulations to Rick Smith, 2023 Fireman of the Year
Safety Officer Denny Flye (right) presents Firefighter Rick Smith with the Fireman of the Year Award for his exemplary service to the Department.
Congratulations and Thank You Buzz Appleman!
Senator Pam Helming  and Assemblyman Brian Manktelow were on hand at the Walworth Fire Department Annual Banquet to present Firefighter Buzz Appleman with Senate and Assembly proclamations recognizing his 50 years of dedicated service to the Walworth Fire Department and citizens of Walworth.
Recruit New York!

The entire State is in dire need of volunteers for Fire and Emergency Services.  Volunteers save State tax payers billions of dollars on Emergency services

On Saturday, April 13th , we hosted another open house from11 AM to 3 pm. We provided tours of the Fire Hall and equipment, allowed attendees to participate in hose operations, a smoke house maize along with other safety demonstrations. Free hots and hamburgers were provided.

Despite a rainy day we had a great turnout and had two new members apply!  Below are pictures the open house.
2024 Open House Photos
2022 Open House Photos
Do You Know These Guys?
The WFD recently came into possession of this 1940's era photo of the Walworth FD Baseball team taken at what is believed to be the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Palmyra. If you recognize anyone and can put a name to a face, please contact us!
Be a good Neighbor!

Like the commercial says; "Be a good neighbor!"

Did you know that just 30 years ago you had 17 minutes to escape a burning home and today you only have 3-4 minutes? Modern home building materials and furnishings may hold up to wear and tear but they burn much faster.

The ability to get water on the fire quickly can mean the difference between a small fire and total loss. Winter creates a number of challenges but one we can control is access to fire hydrants. Clearing snow away from the hydrant on all sides for about two feet makes it easier for the Fire Department to hook up hose and send water to the fire.

The Walworth Fire Department is a sponsor of the Hydrant Helper Program but not all hydrants are kept clear. If you have one on your street, neighbors can take turns clearing the snow away to allow the Fire Department quick access.

Be a good neighbor for your street and the Fire Department. Help us help you!!


  • Working smoke alarms are in every sleeping room. They are outside each separate sleeping area. They are on every level of the home.
  • Working smoke alarms are interconnected, if possible. When one alarm sounds, they all sound.
  • Portable fire extinguishers are in the home and are easy to reach.
  • Working carbon monoxide alarms are outside each separate sleeping area. They are on every level of the home and in other locations as required by laws, codes, or standards.
  • The owner has posted a floor plan. It notes all escape routes and exits and provides emergency contact information.
  • Everyone knows the address of the home.
  • Everyone staying in the home has identified two ways out of every room and how to escape in an emergency.
  • All doors and windows that lead outside are able to be opened.
  • An outside meeting place has been chosen. It is a safe distance away from the home.
  • Everyone knows how to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number from a cell phone from outside.
  • If smoking is allowed, a smoking area has been designated and is well away from the structure. Deep, sturdy ashtrays have been provided.
  • All pathways are free and clear of tripping hazards.
  • Electrical outlets are free from multiple cords and adaptors.
  • The stovetop is clear. Anything that can catch fire is not near the stovetop, such as curtains and towels.

Support For Local High Schools

We support our local High Schools at Gananda and Wayne with a $100 scholarship to a qualified Senior student at each school.  Please see your Guidance Counselor for more information.

** We wish all Senior students success in your future endeavors **