Walworth Fire Department, Inc.

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Walworth Fire Department Recruitment Video
Your help is needed --- No experience needed --- Free training
March 24, 2018 - Walworth Fire Department Year In Review
Played at our 2017 Recognition Banquet
December 3, 2017 - Christmas Party With A Visit From Santa
-- Click the photo below --
April 2017 - Mercy Flight Departing From WFD
-- Click the photo below --
March 25, 2017 - Walworth Fire Department Tribute
Played at our 2016 Recognition Banquet
December 4, 2016 - Santa Arrives At Walworth Fire Department
-- Click the photo below --
New York State "Open Burning" Law
Not allowed between March 15th - May 15th
1991 Rochester Ice Storm - 25 Year Anniversary
Does this bring back memories?

FLAME-SIM Software Firefighter Training

Simulate what happens during a fire call


Daansen Road House Fire

Thanks to our neighboring Fire Depts for your help!!

Click image to watch video!


Thermal Imaging Camera Example

How Hot Are Fires?


Walworth Fire Department Tribute

- - 2014 From The Past To The Present - -