Listen To Wayne County Fire Dispatch Live!
January 2016 - Pack 167 Cub Scout Visit
** Thanks for coming out to visit your friends at the local Fire Department **
December 2015 - Holidays
November 2015 - Daansen Road House Fire
** Thanks to all of our neighboring Fire Depts for your help!! **
September/October 2015 - New Floor In Hall
September 20, 2015 - Towpath Fife & Drum World Friendship Day
August 31, 2015 - 3 Dept. Dolomite Quarry Tour
June 2015 - 3 Department Dinner & Waterball Competition
Lincoln FD, Walworth FD & West Walworth FD
* * Thanks To Everyone Who Attended * *
June 2015 - NYS Fire Expo
June 2015 - Bail Out Training
May 2015 - CPR & AED Training
May 2015 - Chicken BBQ (1st Drive-Thru Service!)
2015 Recognition Banquet
Special thanks to Morabito Photography for providing the after banquet pictures!
2014 Softball Team
How is the team doing? We're having fun!!
MCI / Auto Extrication Drill with Lincoln FD
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